Saturday, April 13, 2019

5 Yummy Foods To Instantly Raise Your Vibration For Spiritual Well being

5 Yummy Foods To Instantly Raise Your Vibration For Spiritual Well being.

I love eating yummy and healthy food, not only is it good for your body but your soul too!

But have you ever felt the urge to binge on junk food and snacks?

Haven't we all?

Perhaps a heartbreak led you to eat a whole tub of ice cream.

Or maybe you spent the week carefully watching your diet and thought 'stuff it' and decided to spoil yourself for your efforts.

No matter what the occasion is you should always treat yourself.

But snacking on the wrong kind of foods for long periods of time can make you feel worse than before you ate it.

That boost of dopamine quickly turns into guilt, resentment and a whole lot of regret.

And maybe you've put on an extra few pounds.

But don't worry!

I have a list of 5 nutritious snacks that won't give you the guilts, and will help raise your vibration too!

Some of these sound too good to be true, so keep on reading to learn more!

Raw Dark Chocolate.

This Amazonian superfood is perfect for maintaining a high vibrational state.

But not only that, it's very rich in many beneficial nutrients and goodies that keep your physical body healthy too.

I love to nibble on a couple of pieces when I get sugar cravings, but you can also add it into your cooking.

Here is my favorite that you can try right now.
  • Smoothies.
  • Hot cocoa.
  • Biscuits.
  • Organic Chocolate Mouse.
  • Scroggin.
  • Muesli bars.
You may be thinking;

"Isn't chocolate full of sugar and artificial crap?"

Well, some of it is yes, but that stuff I'm talking about is raw, bitter and made pure and organically.

You can find this stuff in your local organic shops or from a reputable store online.

Just be careful of any GMO's or nasty additives!

What makes raw chocolate so good for you?

Well according to beegoodorganics there are many health benefits to raw chocolate including;
  • The highest source of plant-based iron.
  • 40 times more antioxidants than berries.
  • Magnesium - Good for your mind and heart.
  • Mood enhancer and natural antidepressant.
Don't get me wrong, dark chocolate is an acquired taste.
It's very strong and bitter but you do get used to it.
I recommend you have a few pieces a day, perhaps after a meal to cleanse the pallet.


I love blueberries, I like to head down to my local market each week and pick up a large punnet.
Most of them are gone before I get home!
These are my all time favorites, not only are they super good for you, but they have lasting effects on your overall vitality.
Apart from eating them straight from the container, here are some quick meals/foods you can make using blueberries.
  • Blueberry Tart.
  • Homemade jam.
  • Romaine Blueberry salad.
  • Banana and blueberry bread.
  • Smoothie,
You can find all the recipes at this website Taste Of Home.

What makes blueberries such a high vibe superfood?

Well according to Health Line there are many benefits;
  • Blueberries help with anti-aging.
  • High in nutrients.
  • May lower blood pressure.
  • Improves memory and brain function.
I often wake up feeling groggy (I'm not a huge morning person) so I like to start my day with a blueberry smoothie.

I can instantly feel my vibrations raise, not only because I'm putting good foods in my body but because these are the foods that help me start my day off strong.

Natural spring water. 

About 30 minutes away from my apartment is a natural spring with the purest water you can find.

Depending on your location, you can often find natural springs close to where you live.

If not, you can buy it online or at your local organic shop, a quick Google search will tell you!

Just be careful to do your research, companies are allowed to label their bottles a 'spring water' even though it's not!

So be aware where your water is coming from.

What makes natural spring water so beneficial to your health and mind is its purity.

It doesn't have any nasty chemicals like chlorine or fluoride, which can often be found in tap water.

There are also amazing benefits to your body including;
  • Improves skin health.
  • Helps improve the digestive system.
  • Detoxifies your body.
  • Reduce joint and muscle inflammation.
Just make sure to do your research.

If you do however come across a natural spring, test it, you never know what's in the water you find so it's best to play it safe.

Raw Nuts. 

Raw nuts are a great source of protein and an even better snack for enhancing your mood.

Nuts are a versatile and easy snack that doesn't make you feel guilty if you overindulge, they also provide your body with the right nutrients.

A snack that only tastes good but is good for your mind and soul is always great too.

There are many different types of nuts, I often get a mixed bag at my local organic store but here are a few of my faves;
  • Cashews.
  • Almonds.
  • Pistachio.
  • Pine nuts.
  • Walnuts.
  • Pecan.
  • Brazil nuts.
Here are some other health benefits of raw nuts.
  • Perfect source of nutrients.
  • Filled with antioxidants.
  • Helps you lose weight.
  • Lowers cholesterol.
  • Reduces inflammation.
Nuts are soul food, make sure to always get organic produce as there may have added sugars and salts that are no good for your mind and body.


Did you know avocados aren't just for hipsters and Instagrammers?

Never did I really, not until I read more about them online...

All jokes aside, avocados are becoming increasingly popular for all the right reasons.

Not only are they creamy, tasty and rich in flavor but they are super healthy too!

You can add avocado to just about any dish, salad, and even dessert!

Not only is the taste heavenly, but the health benefits are extremely beneficial too.

Did you know there are 20 different types of vitamins and include more potassium than a banana?

There are also heaps of health benefits to avocados, including;
  • Lowers cholesterol.
  • Loaded with antioxidants to increase eye health.
  • Healthy for the heart.
  • Improves digestion.
  • Improves mood.
Avocado is a super food, it's tasty, creamy and pure bliss.

Make sure to get yourself a nice organic Avo, preferably from a market or your local organic store, to avoid any nasty additives.

To wrap it up: 

I picked these 5 snacks because they don't require any effort, they're yummy and of course super good for your spiritual health.

If you are to get any of these foods then please pick organic and fresh produce.

Try stick to your local organic stores, and stay away from big corporate companies as they like to spray their produce with chemicals

Of course, there are plenty of nutritious and yummy snacks to choose from, these are just my favorite.

Do you have a favorite?

Would love to hear from you in the comments below!

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